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Empire of Sports: Review

Studio Empire of Sports Development I got to I, gathered together specialists in chosen sports (there are six of them, more on this later), united with the company F4 and gave out not just worthy attention, but an extremely interesting and entertaining product. The name of the game speaks for itself. Virtual Sports Empire allows players from around the world not just to compete with each other, but to grow and train their own digital embodiment. However, about everything in order.

So, sports. Quintessence of the confrontation. Among many different disciplines, the developers stopped at six: running, tennis, sled (Bobsley), football, basketball and skiing. The choice is clear – there are no boring car races, but exotic sports remained overboard. Футбол популярен, теннис – красив, да и WII Sports He contributed. Кому-то по душе баскетбол;Fans of spinal entertainment will like running – you need to frantically hammer the buttons (we remember the old game Nagano 98 – goodbye gamepad);бобслей интересен командными действиями, а сани – это непередаваемая скорость и динамика. Let’s wrap all this in a noble wrapper of high -quality graphic performance, add the development of a character and shops with things – here you have a recipe for an excellent game with a non -standard idea.

How to manage a character, because the game contains such different sports? Оказывается, все очень просто. Play tennis – we run around the field familiar WSAD, and we beat the mouse. Разные типы ударов назначены на сочетания щелчков. Одно нажатие – обычный удар, но стоит сделать два, и мяч полетит с закруткой. The right button can "hang" или забросить снаряд за спину соперника. In football, everything is the same – only there is an additional button for the tackle, well, you also need to get used to team action.

Лыжи и бобслей – рай для любителей аркадных гонок. In all, you need to spend a sled, bob or the character himself to the finish line so that he does not smash at the goal or side of the track. It seems easy, but when several people jump into the transport with a run at once, and the result depends on the balancing of each – no longer to jokes.

Management in each sport is arranged so conveniently and interesting that you want to spend matches again and again. The further you climb, the more interesting it becomes. In addition to mechanical skill, the tactical component is mixed over time. Персонаж с каждым уровнем получает очки "трюков". These "Tricks" make up a whole tree for each sport. For example, on a sleigh you can get an increase in speed at the start, and in tennis will learn to more accurately send the ball. How and when to apply one or another ability? What is better to choose – a set of passive skills, or even limit yourself to one, but decisive outcome of the duel? No monotony is a new rival, new style, new techniques. Each match is interesting, whether it be a duel in tennis or running along green grass with a ball in the legs.

If sport and competitions are a core, then everything else is only additions that make an already non -boring gaming process even more interesting. Во-первых, одежда и спортивный инвентарь изнашиваются. Правила простые: сломалась вещь – нельзя участвовать в соревнованиях и вообще проводить какие-либо игры. What to do? Go repair, and even buy new shoes, racket, skis. Серебро – местная валюта. She is given as a reward for participation in any games, for tasks (yes, they are here too);Plus, silver can be made of gold that is bought for real money (here the Free2Play system shows itself). Almost everything is bought for silver: sports nutrition, drugs, clothes, inventory. Unless you can train in the gym absolutely free (training is, consider it a separate part of the game). A little confuses the purchased gold. На него можно приобрести так называемые "бустеры", who enhance the player or his equipment. It sounds like a doping, but you can’t write anything here: that in our world, that in digital physical abilities alone is often not enough – you have to resort to the help of chemistry and medicine.

A unique project is a city of sports where you can play both for yourself and against living rivals. Beautiful, interesting, exciting and free (for the time being). Клиент выдается тоже абсолютно безвозмездно. Чем не повод хотя бы попробовать, ведь в игре действительно есть что оценить.

Pros: nice appearance;fascinating gameplay;внимание к мелочам.
Cons: Free2Play system;некоторая задумчивость многих элементов игры;Long load.Captain Spins Casino review

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