Worms Ultimate Mayhem – This is a remake of the notorious three -dimensional « worms ». And if in Worms Reloaded Studio Team17 only adjusted the 2D older to modern standards, then Wum was supposed to become a kind of work on errors. Still, Worms 3D and MayHem destroyed not so much the transition to the third dimension, but not the highest quality performance. Far from advanced, even at the time of the schedule, terrible multi -user service, imbalance, uncomfortable management – all these problems were to get rid of all these problems. Whether it succeeded?Vegas Wild casino login
« Worm » battles
As expected, mechanics in Ultimate Mayhem remained the same – several teams of invertebrate warriors destroy each other by any means. Literally everything is used – exploding grandmothers, air strikes, guns, mines, hammers … In addition, the levels are allowed to break, so there is great space for tactics.
In terms of case graphics Wum It is pretty good. The game boasts updated textures, pleasant effects and, in addition, supports large -format resolutions. The angular worms and objects, however, have not gone anywhere, but the « cartoon » smooths out this drawback.
Alas, the rest of the remake turned out to be pure water with a hack. Most of the troubles that were annoying in Worms 3D and the original MayHem are relevant now. Management has not changed too much;In the chamber sometimes epileptic seizures occur;Normally, you cannot configure the mouse sensitivity;Gampads (even Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller) Wum recognizes only if you are lucky.
With a multiplayer regime, however, the situation is not so deplorable. Friends can easily and quickly invite to the lobby through Steam, the connection with the server rarely breaks off, everything works quite stably. The only trouble is that finding opponents (or allies) in the person of random players turned out to be problematic already a couple of days after the release. No need to be a brilliant analyst to guess what fate the multiplayer expects.
« Single » is completely bad. The creators moved to Wum Worms 3D and MayHem campaigns. It would seem that the solitary regime of the latter is able to give any pleasure-locations, arsenal and combat conditions are constantly changing, moreover, all missions are connected by a funny plot … But no matter how diverse the adventure, now, in 2011, in the middle of the passage, the jaw begins to be reduced from yawn. Well, the “single” from Worms 3D is a boring set of Arena, in the direction of which you should not even watch.
The clinical artificial intelligence of opponents introduces its contribution to universal despondency. If Reloaded worms controlled by a computer at least aptly threw grenades, then nature has deprived of local poor fellow and this skill. Any tricks can be expected from the uninterested-someone will certainly stick from the bazuka into the water;another ignores the opponent standing on the edge of the cliff;The third will just fall into the abyss.
There is only one incentive to pass the campaign – award coins for which we allow us to buy hats, gloves, mustache and other pleasant little things for our wards. Unfortunately, there are not so many available things, but the new items added to Ultimate Mayhem, It is easy to count on the fingers.
So it turns out that Wum will delight a very narrow circle of buyers. In order not to regret the money spent, you need not only calmly treat such a phenomenon as three -dimensional Worms, but also find at least one comrade who is not averse to fighting a multiplayer regularly. Hoping for random players, as we have already noted above, is useless, and the « single » sits in longing. If you want to have a good fun in the company of friends and laugh at the grip of pink -haired soldiers? Then it makes sense to fork out. Everyone else can calmly pass by.
Pros: multiplayer regime;funny habits of worms;Cute picture.
Cons: Many flaws of predecessors were never fixed;Boring single campaigns.